The power that clerics wield is a direct manifestation of their deity's power. It may seem to an observer like the magic a mage wields, but is actually derived from faith and prayer. As a reflection of the wide variety in Caspia's pantheon, there are a number of prayer skills available to all clerics. They are the following: Faith: This skill measures the cleric's overall faith in the deities in general and in their own deity specifically. Every time a cleric prays, their faith grows stronger. Faith is a skill for all clerics. Combat: This skill helps a cleric cast prayers that might cause damage to a foe or aid a fellow adventurer in battle. This skill is associated with Phaedrus. Nature: This skill helps a cleric call on the powers of nature to accomplish a goal, whether it is emulating some facet of nature to enhance themselves, or to harm an opponent. This skill is associated with Baeron. Elements: This skill helps a cleric bring about an effect that, in one way or another, relies on the basic elements-- from summoning a simple puff of steam to calling down a rain of fire on a group of enemies. This skill is associated with Edorin. Life: This skill helps a cleric restore some measure of life force to other adventurers. This can include many forms of healing, and a few effects of overloading the body to cause problems. This skill is associated with Ianthe. Death: This skill helps a cleric affect an enemy's life force in a negative manner. It usually involves decay, disease, and other manifestations of the removal of life from a body. This skill is associated with Zaal. Protection: This skill helps a cleric provide some manner of protection to other adventurers. That does not simply mean taking less damage when hit, but can encompass protection from a variety of thing in a variety of ways. It is commonly associated with Makkairi. Knowledge: This skill helps a cleric obtain and analyze data about the state of another living being. It grants knowledge of what afflictions or characteristics a particular person may have. It is commonly associated with Vndyrwynd. /-----Nature-----\ / \ / \ Life Elements | | | Faith | | | Knowledge Death \ / \ / Protection-----------War See also: cleric, deities, odhrean, phaedrus, baeron, edorin, ianthe, zaal, makkairi, vndyrwynd, traits