We support the following GMCP modules, to enable them add them to your client's GMCP support list based on https://nexus.ironrealms.com/GMCP Support enable formats: Core 1 oMUD 1 oMUD.Info 1 Room 1 Client.Media 1 Char 1 Char.Vitals 1 Char.Experience 1 Char.Skills 1 Client 1 See your client's help for how to add support modules, The mud expects the format of Module 1 to enable, if your client uses a different syntax report so it can be added Core - core gmcp Char - support parts of the character module Char.Base - the base character data Char.Vitals - sends hp, sp, and mp data Char.Skills - basic skill module support Char.Skills.Info - data for a single skill Char.Skills.Groups - list of all skill categories Char.Experience - a custom extension that sends current experience information Client.Media - send and receive sound effects/background music Room - basic mapper data Room.Info - Information about current Room Room.WrongDir - send when trying to go wrong direction oMUD - Custom ShadowMUD module oMUD.weapons - current weapon info oMUD.skill - extra skill info skill - name of skill amount - skill level bonus - skill bonus category - skill category oMUD.Skill - more skill info in separate format skill - name of skill percent - the amount trained oMUD.combat - info about current combat status actions {action: [action], [additional arguments based on action]} 'leave' - left combat 'update' - update about target name - display name of target hp - the percent health of target 0 to 100 race - target race order - combat order id - unique monster id 'remove' name, hp, id 'add' same as update oMUD.limb - limb health data 'limb': 0 - 100, if 100 or higher, severed oMUD.ac - limb armor protection data 'limb': custom scale 6.5 - 100% 6 - 90% 5.5 - 80% 5 - 70% 4.5 - 60% 4 - 50% 3.5 - 40% 3 - 30% 2 - 20% 1 - 10% 0 - 0% oMUD.Environment - data about current room and mud Environment tod - time of day if tod is night will add moon info moons: [moon 1 pahse, moon 2 phase, moon 3 phase] weather - current room weather weather_intensity how strong the weather is oMUD.Info basic info about user, send oMUD.inEdit gmcp command to trigger inEdit - if user is in edit Client - custom ShadowMUD remote backup system For more details on values that may be missing see help msdp as it sends the exact same data but formated for MSDP key:value formats See also: , omud