Syntax: <order [whom] to [action] [extra arguments]> This command allows you to order around certain animals or monsters that you control. Following actions are some times possible: follow: order an animal or minion to follow you around, for example your steed. ex: <order [whom] to follow> stay: order an animal or minion to stop following you. ex: <order [whom] to stay> stand: order an animal or minion to stand up, for example your steed. ex: <order [whom] to stand> board [ship|ship name]: order an animal or minion to board a ship, if no name or generic ship it will attempt to board ship of the one who ordered ex: <order [whom] to board> attack: order an animal or minion to attack something, not all animals can attack, it requires an extra argument of the monster to attack ex: <order [whom] to attack [monster|all|all (monster)]> direction: order an animal or minion to move in that direction, good for getting them out of the room to avoid combat. ex: <order [whom] to [direction]> or <order [whom] to the [direction]> climb: order an animal or minion to climb in that direction ex: <order [whom] to climb [direction]> fly: order an animal or minion to fly or fly in a certain direction ex: <order [whom] to climb fly [direction]> land: order an animal or minion to land or land in a location ex: <order [whom] to climb land [location]> wear: order an animal or minion to wear something ex: <order [whom] to wear [item]> wield: order an animal or minion to wield something. ex: <order [whom] to wield [item]> drop: order an animal or minion to drop something. ex: <order [whom] to drop [item]> *Note: some monsters can have extra order actions that are usable for that monster or animal. See also: steeds