When using the help system: Type <help [word]> to find out about a command or topic. Do not type the <> or []. <> means you should type exactly what is shown between them. [] means that you do not type what is shown, but substitute the appropriate command or topic name. () means that it is nested substitution, which is when you could have multiple layers of substitution, for example: get [all (id)], the entire [] is optional, but you can also optionally add a (id) for more control , ... means variable length comma seperated list of values supported (#) means an optional amount applied to the following id, for example: get 10 apple, would get 10 apples from the ground (amount) same as (#) just more grammicly correct || means or, normally found between a command that supports multiple argument formats When referencing items, a number can be used to pick one item out of the list. Syntax: item id [#] For example: sell knife 3 examine corpse 2 get axe from corpse 2