Hunger - This only impacts your recovery rate, while hungry you do not recover as quickly as if full, just remember not all food may be good for you. You can obtain food from bars, restaurants, and if you have learned the survival skills of butchering or foraging for food. Thirsty - This only impact your recovery rate, while thirsty you will not recover as quickly if full, you can buy booze or other drinks in different bars or from watering sources scattered around the world. Water sources also can be used to refill empty bottles with water. Just remember the quality of water can affect whether you get sick or not. Sober/Drunk - This impacts your recovery rate and has minor impact on your hit/miss success, as the more drunk you are the more likely you are to miss physical hits. Poison - Applies damage over time. Either a 'cleansing' from a healer or hospital. Sweating it out also may remove the poison. Sometimes, multiple cleansing's may be required depending on the strength of the poison. Porcupine quills - Applies damage over time. You may either attempt to pull the quill out yourself, which causes damage or you may go to a cleric. Looking at the quill will give proper syntax. Odor - Makes a player smell very bad. A 'deodor' prayer either from a cleric, the hospital/healer can remove it, or by washing it off at a water source. Hamstring - Disables wimpy. Only a 'cure' prayer by either a cleric or a hospital/healer will remove. Arrows - Different types of arrow may apply different damages over time. Pulling out an arrow will cause you to bleed and you will need to visit a cleric to stop the bleeding or cauterize the wound if you can. Winded - Weakens you and allows you to be hit easier. Only a 'cure' prayer by either a cleric or a hospital/healer will remove. Kneed - Weakens you and allows you to be hit easier. Only a 'cure' prayer by either a cleric or a hospital/healer will remove. Bleeding - Bleeding causes your regeneration to go down, and even cause you to damage your self. Clerics can 'stopbleed' to stop all bleed, they can also 'slowbleed' that can slow bleeding and if cast enough may even stop it. You can also a apply tourniquet to slow bleeding if caused by a servered limb. Those with high survival may also try to learn cauterize, then wound close with a lit fire source. Severed limb - You may lose a limb many ways from a fight to just doing a prayer wrong, losing a limb will cause you to bleed, you can slow this bleeding using a tourniquet. Clerics can 'replace' any missing limb, Katarina is on hand in Kieron and can handle most basic needs. Dazed - You are unbalanced, stumble and it will make it harder for your to concentrate during a fight. Only a 'cure' prayer by either a cleric or a hospital/healer will remove. Limping - If you are limping from room to room it is a sign that you have been hamstrung, kneed in the groin, or crippled in some way and should get a cleric to 'diagnosis' you to find out the exact cause so you can heal but a 'cure' prayer by either a cleric or a hospital/healer will remove most issues. Cursed - If you are losing mp it is a good chance you have been cursed which effects your mp from regenerating and should get a cleric to 'diagnosis' to be sure. A 'removecurse' prayer from a cleric or hospital/healer should remove any curses you have and cause your mp to recover over time or using mana potions to restore it.