All omud lines start with ## and OMUD, followed by a type id, then data formated as follows:
OMUD ROOM id# 'room name' 'map area'
id# - a unquine id for the room the info is for
room name - the rooms short name
map area - a uqnuie id for area room grouping
OMUD ROOMENV id# terrain
id# - a unquine id for the room the info is for
terrain - a string that describes the terrain of the room
OMUD ROOMEXIT id# exit exitid# isdoor
id# - a unquine id for the room the info is for
exit - the exit name
exit id# - the unquie id # for the room the exit links to
isdoor - 0 if not a door, 1 if a door
OMUD ROOMDETAILS id# detaillist
id# - a unquine id for the room the info is for
detaillist a comma delimited string of what a room supposrts, possible values:
dock - can dock ships here
pier - can fish here
bank - is a bank to store monk
shop - can buy or sell items
hospital - can heal here unless monster has been killed
watersource - can drink or fill bottles with water
bar - can buy a drink if bartender not killed
restaurant - can buy food if bartender not killed
id# - the unquie if od the previous room you exited from
exit - the exit used to lead to current room
id# - a unquine id for the room, 0 means current room or cant find room
direction - the exit that you tried to use but was invalid