Monument ShadowMUD

Administrator: Terok, Icewolfz ArchWizards..: Kataro, Lox, Daihsan Elders.......: Dusk, Lotus Creators.....: Ideysus, Newt
700 years have passed since Ridorthu awakened the Power. Though the war was won and the Power defeated for a time, other Powers have found our quiet realm and even now mass upon our borders. Let us defeat these new enemies without awakening the most ancient one.
* Caine, Fallstaff, Mop, Sabbthiel, Void *


ShadowMUD is a text-based MUD with a Medieval Fantasy theme. It is based ultimately off Nightmare 3's code. ShadowMUD's went down at some point in 2005 and after it became clear the MUD was not going to be restored a new staff attempted to rebuild from scratch.


    A new alpha version of web client update can be tried at this is a cleaner more modern version, it is reactive and will adjust to size and works on both desktop and mobile, remember to back up your old data using old client to be safe using client save or exporting as it uses the data as the current client - Icewolfz

    For fun will try and run an invasion every weekend if enough players around until the end of the month - Icewolfz

    Will try and throw classic Halloween invasion on the 26/27 unless something comes up - Icewolfz

    Web client has been updated, it adds buttons, chat capture system and trigger events - Icewolfz
    Mobile client has been updated adds trigger events and minor bug fixes - Icewolfz

    A bug in the aggressive system was fixed, this caused monsters to be meaner and auto attack/harder to ride/lasso if a monster was easier before or is too hard bug them or report them for adjustments/fixes to reflect the bug fix - Icewolfz


To connect to ShadowMUD you need to use the web client, a mobile friendly web client, the jiMUD desktop client, or a telnet client and connect to on port 1030, we also offer a websocket port on 1034 for clients that support websockets. Those that have issues or do not support websockets you can use an older flash version. The default windows/linux client gets old quick and you might find life more comfortable with a proper MUD client such as Icewolfz's client or one of the clients listed at mudconnect or MUD client page on Wikipedia.
A new alpha web client is being worked on and will some day replace the main client and the mobile client with one single interface, if you wish you try the oiMUD alpha client, it offers most if not all features from both the main and mobile version and any missing features should be added over time, remember to also backup your old data first just in case as it is alpha and may corrupt or break your current profiles/maps/settings as it uses the same backend, to backup you can export your profiles/maps using the main or mobile client to text files or login and use the client save command for remote backup. Any issues or bugs can be reported to Icewolfz on the mud, or on his repo once he creates it.


If you have issues or questions you can email the immortals using the email provided at the login screen, mud mail, chat line or the contact form.

05:39, Vaigday, Denki 20, 213 AD.

Vote for Our Mud on TMC! Desert Bus for Hope