2025-03-14: Minor adjustment o offer to make those that follow deities get rewarded better - Icewolfz 2025-03-01: Updated core material system to optimize systems to reduce load times - Icewolfz 2025-02-19: Fixed issue with class objects and auto loading systems - Icewolfz 2025-02-01: Updated armor weight for hoof limbs to be lighter - Icewolfz 2025-01-24: Solas and Raye's dragon hoard save system got updated to better handle corpses when room is unloaded - Icewolfz 2025-01-19: Updated pick to ensure monsters do not unload - Icewolfz 2024-12-21: Upgraded some archery internal systems - Icewolfz 2024-12-12: Tweaked deathgrip rounds/damages in an attempt ot balance it - Icewolfz 2024-12-03: Added oMUD.info GMCP module to allow clients to ask if in edit mode - Icewolfz 2024-11-26: Fixed knock down issues with shieldswing and cacophony - Icewolfz