Monument ShadowMUD


[02-11 19:02][Monk]Icewolfz: help guilds
[02-11 19:02][Monk]Icewolfz: granted most are proably inactivis as players pop on and off
[02-11 19:02][Monk]Icewolfz: dragon warrios is the most active
[02-11 19:02][Monk]Icewolfz: kill runs it
[02-11 19:03][Monk]Ebbomega: yeah, used to be DW back in the old days
[02-11 19:03][Monk]Icewolfz: youd have to catch kill if you want info about joining
[02-11 19:03][Monk]Icewolfz: guilds are all player controled, immis only step in if they want ot guy a feature a new guild to create
[02-11 19:03][Monk]Ebbomega: Gotcha
[02-11 19:04][Monk]Icewolfz: and there no limit on levels unless the guild them self has one
[02-11 19:04][Monk]Ebbomega: Ahhh, good to know.
[02-11 19:05][Monk]Icewolfz: ther is a basic newbie school that teaches some of teh basics as well
[02-11 19:06][Monk]Icewolfz: from basic interactions to how to learn class abilities
[02-11 19:40][Monk]NEWS: Ebbomega is now level 2.
[02-12 19:14][Monk]NEWS: Ebbomega is now level 3.
[02-12 19:58][Monk]NEWS: Ebbomega is now level 4.
[02-13 17:26][Monk]NEWS: Ebbomega is now level 5.
[02-13 20:11][Monk]NEWS: Ebbomega is now level 6.
[02-13 21:20][Monk]NEWS: Ebbomega is now level 6.
[02-13 21:29][Monk]Icewolfz: you can buy potions that work like newbie potions from siva just at a higher cost
[02-13 21:29][Monk]Icewolfz: there is a coach for 30 copper that drops you at teh siva gates but it may mess with auto mappers
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17:50, Flameday, Ketralki 3, 213 AD.

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