Subclass Update for Clerics
by Daihsan
Message 45 on The Cleric's Board
Currently, we are working on a 'third-tier' for subclassing for clerics since they have 8 skills compared to 6 skills for all other classes.
Precrash, when you picked a sub-class, you ended up with 2 skills at 5 / level, 2 skills at 4 / level, 2 skills at 2.5 / level and 2 skills at 0.5 / level. The system we are working on follows that same theory, however, the two 'unpicked' skills will drop to a max of 1 point / level which will still allow for D-rank abilities at legend.
NOTE: We are also working on adding a compensation for lost skills as to not take away hard earned training/xp.
Once the third-tier is added (which, if other classes receive new subclasses, the same theory will apply to them, also), the new skill tiers will look like this:
Faith will always be 5 / level, regardless.
Unsubbed - ( all skills at 3.5 / level )
One Primary Sub - ( 5 / level ), No other subs - ( 3 / level )
One Primary Sub - ( 5 / level ), One-Two Secondary Subs ( 4 / level ), No other subs - ( 2 / level )
One Primary Sub - ( 5 / level ), One-Two Secondary Subs ( 4 / level ), One-Two Tertiary Subs ( 2.5 / level ), Last two skills ( 1 / level )
While we understand that some clerics may feel nerfed or offended by this, we feel that this works into our progress of balancing things as other classes only have 5 non-core skills to choose from. As stated, earlier, we are trying to work a compensation for lost skills into the new system.
Any questions, complaints, etc. can always be posted here.
- Dai
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08:36, Flameday, Aenterki 13, 212 AD.