I Am Legend. Use JiMud. https://github.com/icewolfz/jiMUD/releases
If you know where to find me, you may tell me to open portals at any time.
The synatax is simple:
tell am mportal <list>
where the list is as follows as of this writing:
xanros: Wyrmsbane's Forge
tundra: A river's edge
serp: River bank
muskrat: An underground cavern
solas: Cliff Side
bluekey: A small room
pariah: Pariah's main dock
hyra: A master bedroom
ant: A wide balcony
bala: A black sand desert
And a special command, close, to close any currently open portal.
Happy Mportaling all.
- Am, Planeswalker.
Male elf mage Level: 100
In real life: Reccing Crew Single
Birthday: Aenterki 2, 142 AD.
ICQ #: Yahoo ID:
MSN ID: Google+:
Twitter: Facebook:
Idle: 1 h 11 m 20 s
On since: Wed Dec 11 14:16:57 2024.
Am has no unread mail.
17:45, Vaigday, Altki 20, 212 AD.