Monument ShadowMUD


[01-29 22:33][Chat]Doji: ill read it tomorrow
[01-29 22:33][Chat]Icewolfz: but yeah its all over hte net right now
[01-29 22:33][Chat]Icewolfz: will probably have #s by tomorrow mroning
[01-29 22:33][Chat]Doji nods
[01-29 22:33][Chat]Icewolfz: because of the cold water and darkness going to take a while
[01-29 22:34][Chat]Icewolfz: i see little to no chance of nay survivors
[01-29 22:34][Chat]Icewolfz: kind hardot survive a fireball then freezing waters
[01-29 22:34][Chat]Doji: yeah
[01-29 22:35][Chat]Icewolfz: chcoclate recall
[01-29 22:35][Chat]Icewolfz: effecting 9 states
[01-29 22:35][Chat]Doji: sweet
[01-29 22:35][Chat]Doji: or not sweet
[01-29 22:35][Chat]Icewolfz: dark chcoclate from some compney i never hred of
[01-29 22:36][Chat]Icewolfz: loks like only 2 stores rest are all online
[01-29 22:36][Chat]Doji: oh
[01-29 22:36][Chat]Icewolfz: hmm coke recall
[01-29 22:36][Chat]Doji: no, not cake
[01-29 22:37][Chat]Icewolfz: nm not use eurpoe
[01-29 22:37][Chat]Icewolfz: 6 new coke flavors coming
[01-29 22:37][Chat]Icewolfz: grante icant stand drinking coke any more
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16:26, Shadowday, Kantki 6, 213 AD.

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