Monument ShadowMUD


[02-19 20:14][Chat]Icewolfz: at tim the tailor in siva
[02-19 20:14][Chat]Ctrain: the light armor works well for me since im dual wielding swords, i attack fast it seems
[02-19 20:14][Chat]Icewolfz: we suport 256 colors
[02-19 20:14][Chat]Ctrain: with all buffs up
[02-19 20:14][Chat]Icewolfz: but the are more color names then supported colors for rp reasons
[02-19 20:14][Chat]Icewolfz: yeah some like to be fast figther ssome like ot be tanks
[02-19 20:14][Chat]Ctrain: right on. gotta afk for a sec
[02-19 20:15][Chat]Icewolfz: some like ot be sheath fighters
[02-19 20:15][Chat]Icewolfz: have tons ot sheaths with weapons and throw them at targets
[02-19 20:20][Chat]Rmp: bad place to idle
[02-19 20:31][Chat]Icewolfz: not relaly
[02-19 20:31][Chat]Icewolfz: idling in the town is not bad
[02-19 20:31][Chat]Icewolfz: iding in the mines them self bad place
[02-19 20:31][Chat]Icewolfz: town wont auto you and the wanderings wont etner town
[02-19 20:31][Chat]Icewolfz: so where he is should be pretty safe
[02-19 20:32][Chat]Stealer: yeah he's playing seige, he'll be back between rounds
[02-19 20:32][Chat]Icewolfz: no worries
[02-19 20:32][Chat]Icewolfz: muds are good fo hat
[02-19 20:32][Chat]Icewolfz: for that
[02-19 20:32][Chat]Icewolfz: long as you idle in a smei safe room
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02:39, Flameday, Sartki 18, 207 AD.

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