Monument ShadowMUD


[02-18 23:42][Chat]Icewolfz: hmm doents have stuf for the mage spells gotta fix that now
[02-18 23:43][Chat]Ctrain: is anything supposed to happen, it just said a strange lbue flame appears
[02-18 23:43][Chat]Icewolfz: youd have to figure that out
[02-18 23:43][Chat]Icewolfz: part of teh quest
[02-18 23:44][Chat]Icewolfz: will say its lamp so probably ha sa limited fuel supply
[02-18 23:44][Chat]Icewolfz: granted it wil lrepop in probbaly 7 to 15 mins
[02-18 23:45][Chat]Ctrain: this game makes me feel dumb lol
[02-18 23:46][Chat]Icewolfz: well its simialrto dnd table top game
[02-18 23:46][Chat]Icewolfz: main issue its not as flexible
[02-18 23:46][Chat]Icewolfz: as in tabletop you have agame master you can question and will lead the flow
[02-18 23:46][Chat]Icewolfz is the closest to the game master role
[02-18 23:47][Chat]Icewolfz: in general most i can say is its linke dto the quest in the area, and explore and see if any other clues pop up
[02-18 23:47][Chat]Icewolfz: best not ot reveal spoils and such on public lines ot prevent spoiling quest for others in future
[02-18 23:48][Chat]Icewolfz: granted most on right now know that quest
[02-18 23:48][Chat]Icewolfz: and it is an optinal quest you an alwyas go back later and try again
[02-18 23:49][Chat]Icewolfz: the goblin or hermit quest are the 2 easiest quest
[02-18 23:49][Chat]Icewolfz: legacy quest is not hard per say just takes time
[02-18 23:49][Chat]Ctrain: im not sure any of them are easy if u dont know what ur doing lol
[02-18 23:50][Chat]Icewolfz: the one your trying is probably more coplex
[02-18 23:50][Chat]Icewolfz: and the other major quest requires multiple classes to do
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