Monument ShadowMUD


[03-11 21:59][Newbie]Icewolfz: the first 2 or 3 lines are lidt of commands
[03-11 21:59][Newbie]Amazon: I'm trying
[03-11 21:59][Newbie]Icewolfz: can also read the mon the web site
[03-12 21:36][Newbie]Icewolfz: wb
[03-12 21:36][Newbie]Lavi: Thank you.
[03-12 21:48][Newbie]Icewolfz: need hel pfeel free to ask
[03-13 13:23][Newbie]Icewolfz: wb
[03-13 13:23][Newbie]Lavi: Hey there Icewolfz, how are you today?
[03-13 13:23][Newbie]Icewolfz: little nippy cold frtont came in last night
[03-13 13:24][Newbie]Icewolfz: wertn fomr 95 to 65 over night
[03-13 13:24][Newbie]Lavi: Oh dang. Hope you are stocked up!
[03-13 13:24][Newbie]Icewolfz: should be fine justh ave ot get us ot the big change
[03-13 13:24][Newbie]Icewolfz: still nice waether just fast chagne
[03-13 13:25][Newbie]Icewolfz: later this week is whe nthe nasty stuff comes
[03-13 13:25][Newbie]Lavi: lol
[03-13 13:25][Newbie]Icewolfz: as thunderstorms are supps eot hit thurdday night and that probaly means i wont be around as strorms tend ot do power outs here
[03-13 13:25][Newbie]Lavi: Gotcha
[03-13 13:25][Newbie]Icewolfz: anywas need any ting let me know
[03-13 13:26][Newbie]Icewolfz: i should be aroundish next few hrs
[03-13 13:28][Newbie]Lavi: What effect does leveling Weapons have? I have been leveling Knife, but not sure exactly what it does
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17:53, Flameday, Kortki 3, 210 AD.

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