Monument ShadowMUD


[03-25 14:47][Newbie]Icewolfz: what i get for multi tasking
[03-25 14:56][Newbie]Icewolfz: but you can explore and fight as a non class
[03-25 14:56][Newbie]Icewolfz: you just cant advanced pass 1 until you pick a class
[03-25 14:56][Newbie]Icewolfz: church is ot the west
[03-25 14:56][Newbie]Icewolfz: there is a town map 2n1w of the old man
[03-25 14:57][Newbie]Icewolfz: so the exact spot of the chruch
[03-25 14:57][Newbie]Icewolfz: 7 west then north
[03-25 14:57][Newbie]Icewolfz: find the room that talks about becoming a monk
[03-25 14:57][Newbie]Icewolfz: hsould have something like <become a monk> or similar in bold white
[03-25 14:57][Newbie]Icewolfz: once you join you can learn rank a abiliies from cirroc the core monk trainer
[03-25 14:58][Newbie]Icewolfz: the newbie school 1n1w of the old man teaches some basics and about how to learn abilities
[03-25 15:01][Newbie]Icewolfz: need anything feel free to ask
[03-25 15:01][Newbie]Djzek: appreciate it thank you
[03-25 15:01][Newbie]Icewolfz: help monk list some thinks for monks
[03-25 15:06][Newbie]Icewolfz: if you want ot reuse the name you can suicide the char
[04-18 18:58][Newbie]Icewolfz: need help or have questions feel free to ask
[04-19 00:34][Newbie]Icewolfz: need help or have questiosn feel free to ask, i will be around 15 mins or so
[04-25 23:16][Newbie]Icewolfz: need help or have questions feel free to ask
[05-13 11:23][Newbie]Icewolfz: need help or have questions feel free to ask
[05-13 11:25][Newbie]Onodi: thanks. I don't think I've played a MUD since the 90s
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01:40, Vaigday, Kortki 15, 210 AD.

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