Monument ShadowMUD


[12-28 12:58][Newbie]Zorg: work sux...retirement rox :)
[12-28 12:59][Newbie]Nodachiman: yer retired, Zorg?
[12-28 12:59][Newbie]Zorg: oh yeah!
[12-28 12:59][Newbie]Nodachiman: woo!
[12-28 12:59][Newbie]Korben Dallas: I Am A Meat Popsicle.
[12-28 12:59][Newbie]Left: that reminds me to get a powerball, its about the only way to retire these days.
[12-28 13:00][Newbie]Left: hmm, switch that around... Dorben Kallas and now you sound like a Klingon.
[12-28 13:01][Newbie]Zorg: iklingon popsicle...yuck!
[12-28 13:01][Newbie]Worf: qechvam tlhIngan
[12-28 13:02][Newbie]Worf: jIH nuvpu' qeylIS
[12-28 13:03][Newbie]Worf: bring the blood wyne!
[12-28 13:03][Newbie]Zorg shakes his head
[12-28 13:03][Newbie]Worf passes out the gagh
[01-23 07:51][Newbie]Vernon: The workd is a Vamoiure
[01-23 07:59][Newbie]Kill: Vernon, you ok?
[01-23 08:00][Newbie]Vernon: Waitress doesnt like me
[01-23 08:01][Newbie]Vernon: WHere is the gold at
[01-23 08:03][Newbie]Vernon: Ahh newbie armor
[01-23 08:06][Newbie]Vernon: Are there any dwarf mines
[01-23 08:11][Newbie]Vernon: I guess this place is dead
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04:37, Darkday, Kortki 9, 210 AD.

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