Monument ShadowMUD


[10-09 06:47][Newbie]Alda: Good morning it's Alda and I'm back from bed
[10-10 16:45][Newbie]Icewolfz: need help or have questions feel free to ask
[10-10 16:46][Newbie]Will: they with me icey ^_^
[10-10 17:19][Newbie]Alda: Hi I am finally back
[10-10 17:20][Newbie]Will: hey! did you already go through the newbie school?
[10-10 17:20][Newbie]Alda: We were in the middle of it when I had to go to bed
[10-10 17:21][Newbie]Will: were going through it rn if you wanna join us. Can't add you to the discord but we can make a prty if you like. Or I can see if Micah can get on to help you like yesterday
[10-10 17:21][Newbie]Alda: I'll come to newbie school
[10-10 17:25][Newbie]Icewolfz: am sure not the only one, granted that one is not mine for a change
[10-10 17:25][Newbie]Icewolfz: and it is more a grammar error not a spelling error
[10-10 18:06][Newbie]Rtmethacton: refresh my memory, whats the item your skills are stored on as a rogue?
[10-10 18:06][Newbie]Icewolfz: see help abilities
[10-10 18:06][Newbie]Icewolfz: list all objects and how to replace them
[10-10 18:06][Newbie]Icewolfz: but to know its a dagger pendant
[10-10 18:06][Newbie]Icewolfz: for rogues
[10-10 18:30][Newbie]Alda: I'm back
[10-10 18:33][Newbie]Icewolfz: have questions or need something feel free to ask here or chat line
[10-10 18:34][Newbie]Icewolfz: i will try and help if i can
[10-10 18:34][Newbie]Icewolfz: granted i have some bad weather coming in so i could disappear at any point
[10-10 18:35][Newbie]Alda: I just need someone to control my computer because my output is not working
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16:35, Lockday, Kortki 7, 210 AD.

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