Monument ShadowMUD


[06-26 20:24][Newbie]Mr Ed eats some hay.
[06-26 20:26][Newbie]Dhakhal: is that what i can
[06-26 20:26][Newbie]Dhakahl: expect from newbies
[06-26 20:26][Newbie]The autobots transform and roll out!
[06-26 20:27][Newbie]Kill: Megatron!!!
[06-26 20:27][Newbie]Megatron: I used to play this game back in the day
[06-26 20:27][Newbie]Kill: I remember you :)
[06-26 20:28][Newbie]Kill: how ya been?
[06-26 20:28][Newbie]Megatron: I been good. getting old lol
[06-26 20:28][Newbie]Kill: it comes for us all :)
[06-26 20:29][Newbie]Megatron: true
[06-26 20:29][Newbie]Grim Reaper: You might be a king or a little street sweeper, but sooner or later you dance with the reaper.
[06-26 20:29][Newbie]Bill and Ted yell: WILD STALLIONS!
[06-26 20:29][Newbie]Kill: you might be butt ugly...or a keeper! But sooner or later. you dance with the Grim Sweeper!
[06-26 20:30][Newbie]Station: station
[06-30 17:25][Newbie]Icewolfz: need help or have questions feel free to ask
[06-30 17:26][Newbie]Korok: thanks
[07-02 13:27][Newbie]Rmp: If you need more help than an immortal can give, feel free to ask. There's some nicer stuff for a newbie in the box in the [] to take or sell as you want.
[07-10 20:47][Newbie]Icewolfz: questions or need help feel free to ask
[07-10 20:48][Newbie]Maat: it's teb, no worries
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06:44, Lockday, Kortki 7, 210 AD.

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