Monument ShadowMUD


[03-15 22:42][Newbie]Marcus: :)
[03-15 22:42][Newbie]Kamikaze: like me :)
[03-15 22:42][Newbie]Kamikaze: This is Kill, most famous as Abmoraz' victim :)
[03-15 22:44][Newbie]Marcus: best way to get sps back?
[03-15 22:45][Newbie]Icewolfz: sps?
[03-15 22:45][Newbie]Kamikaze: as newbie, green liquid
[03-15 22:45][Newbie]Marcus: stamina points
[03-15 22:45][Newbie]Kamikaze: 1 copper at newbie shop: n,w of []
[03-15 22:45][Newbie]Icewolfz: offer junk, eat food, drink stuff, gree liquid
[03-15 22:45][Newbie]Kamikaze: eating and drinking also boosts regen rates
[03-15 22:45][Newbie]Icewolfz: offering limbs/stuff gets you some free sp/hp/mp
[03-15 22:46][Newbie]Kamikaze: you'll prolly find idle fighting superior to specials when little.
[03-15 22:46][Newbie]Icewolfz: can also rest for periods to make regen higher
[03-15 22:46][Newbie]Kamikaze: also I recommend using the simple ring in the poor box in the []. faeries can naturally fly, but simple ring flight is superior.
[03-15 22:47][Newbie]Icewolfz: simple ring can be worse as if you lose the hand wit hteh ring you fall
[03-15 22:47][Newbie]Kamikaze: Also, at newbie levels, you can <rescue> for free teleport to square.
[03-15 22:47][Newbie]Icewolfz: granted i think faeries have the same issue if wings cut off but i cant remember
[03-15 22:47][Newbie]Kamikaze: but if you fight in tundra, faerie fly can get you tackled by wolves. simple ring fly will not
[03-15 22:48][Newbie]Icewolfz: most newbies dont go tundraing
[03-15 22:48][Newbie]Kamikaze: Basbear should! >:)
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16:58, Shadowday, Kortki 6, 210 AD.

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