Monument ShadowMUD


[11-22 12:11][Rogue]Intoll: Then at 45, it stopped and took 2.
[11-22 12:11][Rogue]Icewolfz: -}-> it should get full dmage first target then drop 5% eah target afte that <-{-
[11-22 12:11][Rogue]Intoll: then at 50, 3 muskox. I had to sing 3x
[11-22 12:11][Rogue]Icewolfz: -}-> it hsould not drop in leveling <-{-
[11-22 12:11][Rogue]Intoll: I know the shoulds
[11-22 12:12][Rogue]Intoll: I'm saying what it's doing as a tester
[11-22 12:12][Rogue]Icewolfz: -}-> it could just be random chance those ox had more hp <-{-
[11-22 12:12][Rogue]Intoll: I've killed thousands of things and took note of my damage.
[11-22 12:12][Rogue]Intoll: It's pretty accurate within the range of their HP and I ignore the 1/10 times it's off
[11-22 12:12][Rogue]Intoll: I'm talking consistency here
[11-22 12:13][Rogue]Icewolfz: -}-> well all damge has a random factor but it hsould not be to much and asiadi t hsould not weaken as you level <-{-
[11-22 12:13][Rogue]Intoll: I'm not frustrated, just trying to test like I told you I would. And this is what I've noticed
[11-22 12:13][Rogue]Icewolfz: -}-> most ocmmadns hit a max # and stay around there <-{-
[11-22 12:13][Rogue]Icewolfz: -}-> after that the onyl thing that effects damge is weapon changes <-{-
[11-22 12:14][Rogue]Intoll: To put it simply, over hours of leveling and doing stats, it has decreased significantly. So I don't know what else to say. Maybe its my specific stats (Char and Dex high two main for bard) and my skills in performance and stealth have been maxed while statting.
[11-22 12:14][Rogue]Intoll: I haven't changed weapons since 26
[11-22 12:14][Rogue]Intoll: OR anything for that matter
[11-22 12:15][Rogue]Intoll: I have no variables but the damage it's doing. Just bringing it to your attention
[11-22 12:15][Rogue]Intoll: I can effectively damage and kill things now that it's improved (Overall). But, it shouldn't be doing less damage, as you say, shouldn't.
[11-22 12:15][Rogue]Icewolfz: -}-> yeah was the first thing i looked in ot with weapon so asidi its probably somethign in the bonus system <-{-
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09:03, Flameday, Ketralki 18, 211 AD.

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