Monument ShadowMUD


[08-20 22:29][RP]Mynewt: misspelling in the who cmd. im guessing icewolfz?
[08-20 22:29][RP]Nightshade: I have no drank nightshade tea, granted I do not think tea made out of... me... would be too good
[08-20 22:30][RP]Mynewt: in the really real world, its fatally poisonous.
[08-21 21:19][RP]Yahwen frowns
[08-21 21:19][RP]Nightshade raises an eyebrow
[08-21 21:19][RP]Yahwen: night all
[08-21 21:28][RP]Yahwen falls from the sky with a loudbthud.
[08-21 21:29][RP]Nightshade bonks Yahwen on the head with a shovel
[08-21 21:29][RP]Mynewt: loudbthud?
[08-21 21:29][RP]Yahwen: Loud thud
[08-21 21:29][RP]Dara: read that as a loud butt
[08-21 21:30][RP]Nightshade bites Yahwen
[08-21 21:30][RP]Mynewt: antacids mebbe? or im wrong....
[08-21 21:30][RP]Yahwen: Screams
[08-21 21:30][RP]Mynewt throws a bug down Yahwens throat
[08-21 21:31][RP]Yahwen chokes
[08-21 21:31][RP]Mynewt: natural antacid
[08-21 21:31][RP]Mynewt: gluten free
[08-21 21:31][RP]Mynewt: free range
[08-21 21:31][RP]Mynewt: much calcium
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06:26, Lockday, Praxi 2, 208 AD.

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