Baeron, God of Nature.
Realm: Nature and all things living upon the planet, either on land or in
the seas.
Typical Appearance: Baeron appears as a male creature who is half-human
and half-animal, with the centaur being the most commonly seen.
Represented by: Trees, farms, forests, seeds.
Followers: Those who choose to follow Baeron tend to keep away from cities
and towns, often finding shelter in the forests. It is not unheard of for
a follower of Baeron to bestow blessings upon crops for a bountiful
harvest. While some of Baeron's followers choose to live in cities, they
tend to be antisocial and withdrawn. However, there are a few of Baeron's
followers who are outspoken and wild in their ways of protecting the land
and waters.
Commentary: Baeron is the guardian and embodiment of all things found
within nature: the birds in the sky, the plants and the trees, the
intelligent and non-intelligent mammals, reptiles, fishes and other
non-humanoid species. As the gods created the planet, they also created
Baeron and his twin, Edorin, to cover the land in a blanket of life.
Baeron looked upon the humanoid races, and blessed them with large trees
to shade them from Chaos's burning sun, rich soil to feed themselves and
further cover the land with life. Baeron and Edorin often work closely
together, as one feeds the other with their gifts that they bestowed upon
The symbol of Baeron is a small pouch with a green leaf stitched into its
A true follower of Baeron will possess a nice soul.
04:41, Lockday, Kantki 17, 213 AD.