Containers are accessories that can be used to hold other items. Storing and
retrieving items from bags is done using <get> and <put>.
Items stored in containers have a lower or zero effective encumbrance value than when
they are floating freely in your inventory. Many containers can also be worn to
further reduce the effective encumbrance value of any items they hold. Non-wearable
containers can be secured to yourself to make selling easier or make them harder
to be stolen.
Most containers are worn on the back, shoulder, and waist, and normally only
one container can be worn on each of these locations at a given time.
Containers come in different shapes and sizes, all with varying capacities,
so be sure to experiment to find what suits you! All containers are limited to
100 max items regardless of storage space.
All containers prepend a (Y) or (N) to indicate if an item is auto loading
or not. All non auto loading items will be moved from the container to the room
it is in on logout, unless the container itself is non autoloading.
Note: all items in non autoloading containers will remain in the containers
Warning: You can not put containers in other containers to prevent infinite stacking
See also: wear, get, put, secure, accessories
13:41, Shadowday, Kantki 6, 213 AD.