Monument ShadowMUD

HelpPlayer General • Msdp

CHARACTER_NAME - returns your character name 
CLASS - returns the class name 
SKILL - returns the skill name with value in the format of, skill:value 
SKILLPERCENT - returns the skill trained percent in the format of skill:[1-100] 
SKILLBONUS - returns the skill bonus with value in the format of, skill:value 
EXPERIENCE - returns the total exp 
EXPERIENCE_TNL - returns exp for next level 
EXPERIENCE_BANKED - returns banked exp, exp that is spendable 
EXPERIENCE_EARNED - returns your earned exp, see countxp 
HEALTH - current health 
HEALTH_MAX - max health 
MANA - current mp 
MANA_MAX - max mp 
STAMNA - current sp 
STAMNA_MAX - max sp 
WEAPON - Currently weilded weapon in the format of limb:name:type:subtype:material:quality, if none wiled all fields will be none 
ACTION - returns and actionvalue 
               LEAVECOMBAT - you have left combat 
               LEAVEPARTY - you have quit your party so all party info should be emptied 
PARTYCOMBAT - returns party health info for a player int he format of name:value 
         remove - no longer in party 
         0-100 - the current health of member 
COMBAT - returns current target health in format of name:value 
      0 - dead/no longer in combat 
      1 to 100 - current health level 
   note: the name may include a # in format of name #:value as you may be fighting more then 1 monster with the same name 
LIMB - return damage to limb in format of limb:value 
        0 to 100 - if 100 or higher it was severed 
AC - return the protection level of limb in format of limb:protection level, wierd floating #s are for compatibilty with omud and was never changed 
        6.5 - 100% 
        6 - 90% 
        5.5 - 80% 
        5 - 70% 
        4.5 - 60% 
        4 - 50% 
        3.5 - 40% 
        3 - 30% 
        2 - 20% 
        1 - 10% 
        0 - 0%  
TOD - return the time of day 
MOON 'phase moon 1' 'phase moon 2' 'phase moon 3' - return the phase of the 3 moons 
MOON1 - return the phase name of each moon 
WEATHER - current weather, eg rain/snow/etc... 
WEATHER_INTENSITY - how strong the weather is o na scale of 1 to 10 
If mapper extension enabled: 
    ROOM roomID 'short' 
        returns the room's short description 
        example ROOM -30876756 'The City Square' 
    ROOMAREA roomID 'area' 
        returns the room's area 
        example ROOMAREA -30876756 'Kieron' 
    ROOMENV roomID terrain 
        returns the current rooms terrain 
        example ROOMENV -30876756 cobble 
    ROOMEXIT roomID exitname destID isDoor 
        will list one of the rooms current exits and the room id it is linked to, note you will get 1 line per each exit the room displays 
        isDoor will be 1 if a door, or 0 if no door 
        example: ROOMEXIT -30876756 south -343903497 0 
    ROOMDETAILS roomID comma delmited list of details 
        returns details about the room like if it is a store or training room 
        example: ROOMDETAILS -684562693 stable,shop  
        List of supported defailts: 
            dock - can dock ships here 
            pier - can fish 
            bank - a bank 
            shop - can buy or sell items depending on the store vendor 
            hospital - cleric offering services 
            watersource - can drink/wash/fill bottles with water 
            trainer - an npc train that might beable to train you 
            training - a training room for skills or stats 
            advance - can level up 
            bar - sells drinks 
            restaurant - sells food 
     PREVROOM roomID exitname  
        returns the room you just came from and the exit used 
        example: PREVROOM -30876756 south

HelpPlayer General • Msdp

08:15, Flameday, Aenterki 13, 212 AD.

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