OoMUD is the ShadowMUD web client, it offers triggers, alaises, and macros,
split up using a profile system to allow you to organize them in anyway you like.
If you have issues or problems with the client things you should try first before
reporting it as a bug:
1. Try to force refresh the page using ctrl+f5, shift+f5, ctrl+shift+f5, crtl+reload button, or
try shift+reload button
2. If that does not work you can try clearing your cache and refreshing
the page or reloading your browser.
NOTE: back up your profiles, maps and settings first or make
sure you have unchecked cookies and local storage in the clear options for your
3. Ensure javascript is enabled and that cookies are allowed.
4. The web client uses localstorage, indexeddb, and other modern HTML5 features
if you have issues with profiles or settings not saving ensure these features
are enabled and proper securty allowed.
To prevent data loss back up your data to the mud using <client save> before
logout or export your data locally to text files every so often
localstorage - used to store basic settings
indexeddb - used to store profiles and maps, with fall back to localstorage
canvas - used to draw mapping interface.
buzz api library - used to provide auto support using HTML5 audio systems
websockets - used to connect to the mud.
notification api - if enabled and allowed you can use #notify to display
quick messages if supported
If you still have issues try asking on the chat line.
To backup your profiles locally simply load the manager and click the export profile or
export all profiles.
To backup your settings locally open the settings dialog and click export settings.
To backup maps locally open mapper and click export all.
To backup your client data ely to the mud enter <client save>
To restore your client data from the mud enter <client load>
Note: this is a manual action to prevent abuse and you must be logged in, as the
data is linked to the character from which it was executed from.
Known issues:
Edge - There are issues with websockets sending extra data causing data to
buffer and corrupt sent commands, simply resend if it happens.
IE 11 - Has the same issues as edge browser
Chrome - Screen readers may re-read the main display text from the beginning
Mapper - Due to browser storage limits mapping data may not correctly save.
Firefox: you can increase your storage limits by chaning the 'dom.storage.default_quota' setting
open about:config, search for dom.storage.default_quota, and enter a larger #
CClearer - If installed or similar apps, it may monitor browsers and clear
data on close or on a schedule, either turn off montioring or check
to ignore your browser
All browsers - ensure you do not have clear cookies or site data on close
enabled or you will lose profiles and mappers unless backed up to
the mud or locally as text files
See also: client, omud
02:02, Lockday, Kepki 7, 213 AD.