Monument ShadowMUD

HelpPlayer General • Rank

All of the commands, spells, or prayers that are specific to a 
class are ranked by letters from A to L. These ranks help  
identify about how 'potent' a command is and when, generally 
speaking, you might hope to obtain it. 
Your character never 'learns a rank', so a question such as 'What  
rank am I?' has no real answer. Commands become available 
only when you have reached the required skill level needed for 
the command in the particular skill it uses. For example, if a 
command is based on the attack skill, how high your level, stats, 
or any other skills are won't matter. 
The rank of a command gives you an idea of what range of skill 
levels you might expect it to occur. Of course, what player level 
you get a command will vary because your skills have different 
maxes. For the main skill of your class (attack, stealth, magic, 
faith or discipline), you might expect rank A commands during newbie  
levels, rank B as a low mid, and rank C as a high mid, if you keep  
that main skill maxed.

HelpPlayer General • Rank

15:27, Vaigday, Altki 20, 212 AD.

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