Monument ShadowMUD

HelpPlayer General • Smfaq

1. Do you have any original SM code? IS the real SM coming back? 
No and no. Due to reasons none of us can figure out, Shadowmud was backed up on to the same drive that it ran on. So when the drive crashed, both the game AND ALL the backups were destroyed. Oops. 
2. Will I get my character back? I lost some great stuff! 
No. See 1 above.  
3. Are you backing up this version? 
Yes. Daily. To a different machine. No worries. 
4. When will 'X' be done? 
Well, much has already been done! As for the rest of it, the answer is 'tomorrow' (this entry being left deliberately non-date stamped.) 
5. Are you taking wizard applications? 
Please understand that we can't promote everybody who asks. We will only consider taking on those who have played the game for a little while and got to know the ropes. For the time being please file a bug report and you will be added to our list of applicants. Prospective apprentices must prove themselves on the development mud before there is any thought of promoting them on the live mud.

HelpPlayer General • Smfaq

13:25, Shadowday, Kantki 6, 213 AD.

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