Monument ShadowMUD

HelpPlayer General • Vndyrwynd

Vndyrwynd, God of Knowledge 
Realm: Study, learning, intelligence, knowledge. 
Typical Appearence: Vndyrwynd commonly manifests as an elderly scholar  
dressed in faded, tattered robes. His face is buried beneath a thick white  
beard and his eyes are sagely and knowledgeable. 
Represented by: Places of study, books, scrolls, tomes. 
Followers: Those who follow Vndyrwynd tend to be scholarly types who keep  
mostly to themselves and the musty libraries that hold the secrets they  
seek. There are, however, those who seek the knowledge of adventure and  
what the open roads can teach them. The latter, of course, are those 
commonly seen among the ranks of adventurers. 
Commentary: Vndyrwynd is the God of Knowledge and Learning. Once the races  
of Caspia began to thrive, Odhrean created Vndyrwynd at Ianthe's request.  
Vndyrwynd grants his followers a clear mind and a steadfast urge for  
learning, whether it be by adventuring throughout the world, or by  
remaining closed up with one's nose in a book. 
Vndyrwynd's symbol is a finely carved wooden tablet etched with runes and  
symbols. In the center is carved a golden feather. 
A true follower of Vndyrwynd will possess a neutral soul.

HelpPlayer General • Vndyrwynd

13:46, Shadowday, Kantki 6, 213 AD.

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