Monument ShadowMUD


[02-19 11:20][Chat]Ctrain: ooo how do i select the kill monster
[02-19 11:20][Chat]Ctrain: whoops lol
[02-19 11:20][Chat]Icewolfz: anything in the value box is sent the mud as a command
[02-19 11:20][Chat]Icewolfz: each line is 1 command sent
[02-19 11:20][Chat]Ctrain: im trying to select the period on the num pad not the other one
[02-19 11:20][Chat]Ctrain: is that possible?
[02-19 11:21][Chat]Icewolfz: in theory but may depeend on browser
[02-19 11:21][Chat]Ctrain: oh theres a numpad . nice
[02-19 11:21][Chat]Icewolfz: and daisy change will append to wha tever text you have in the command line if it is followed by a space
[02-19 11:21][Chat]Ctrain: yay it works
[02-19 11:21][Chat]Icewolfz: overall macors will be hit and miss as iaid it dpeends on the browsers
[02-19 11:21][Chat]Ctrain: i didnt know 5 was look too. so i can move around look and kill with the pad
[02-19 11:21][Chat]Icewolfz: most ican say is try and if it works it works if it dont saddly probably nothnig i can do
[02-19 11:22][Chat]Ctrain: i got it
[02-19 11:22][Chat]Icewolfz: yeah the web clietn creates a default numpad layout that can be changed or disabled as desired
[02-19 11:23][Chat]Icewolfz: yo ucan create multiple profiles too and disbale/enable sing the drop down menu or the manager
[02-19 11:23][Chat]Icewolfz: lets yo ucreate stuff for multiple chars or classes
[02-19 11:23][Chat]Icewolfz: eg you could have rogue profile/fighter/mage etc...
[02-19 11:23][Chat]Icewolfz: saddly cant have char manger in the browser due to seceurty
[02-19 11:23][Chat]Icewolfz: so profiles with the options ot toggle them on an off is cloest you get
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09:38, Flameday, Sartki 18, 207 AD.

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