[10-25 02:33] | [Newbie] | Icewolfz: granted its not offically supported but yor brower so one can do what they like locally |
[10-25 02:33] | [Newbie] | Icewolfz: just a matter of creating an alias or trigger that runs the hack on usage |
[10-25 02:34] | [Newbie] | Icewolfz: can even make own floating windows if one figures out eh corrct javascript code |
[10-25 02:34] | [Newbie] | Icewolfz: or use window.open and store teh window result in a global var |
[10-25 02:34] | [Newbie] | Icewolfz: the ncan do all kinds of tricks in that window |
[10-25 02:35] | [Newbie] | Icewolfz has a todo to recode the map to do that but hasnt ever gotten aroun to it |
[10-25 02:36] | [Newbie] | Isenroth: that was always part of the attraction of muds, they teach you how to do things |
[10-25 02:37] | [Newbie] | Icewolfz: overall if one has the time/skill can pretty much make the webclient do anyting they like |
[10-25 02:39] | [Newbie] | Icewolfz: with eough twaks one can probbaly use the chat capture code from jimud in the web client to a point |
[10-25 02:41] | [Newbie] | Icewolfz: overall you cna build a quick basic one using a trigger and sent it to console window or get fancy with custom js |
[10-25 02:41] | [Newbie] | Icewolfz: ^\[([a-zA-Z_-]*)\] (.*)$ |
[10-25 02:42] | [Newbie] | Icewolfz: that as a stirgger iwll capture the first chat line |
[10-25 02:42] | [Newbie] | Icewolfz: fails with wrapped chant lines |
[10-25 02:42] | [Newbie] | Icewolfz: that that trigger will capture the name/text then cnab eu sed in simple or complex code |
[10-25 02:43] | [Newbie] | Icewolfz: i just use it for quick notify popup so i know if i need to focus on the window |
[10-25 02:44] | [Newbie] | Icewolfz: just fails on word rapping with out some multi trigger smarts |
[10-25 02:44] | [Newbie] | Isenroth: i think word rapping in my new favorite term |
[10-25 02:44] | [Newbie] | Icewolfz: i am the king of typos |
[10-25 02:45] | [Newbie] | Icewolfz: anwyas sleep calls |
[10-25 02:45] | [Newbie] | Icewolfz: mud tends ot be the most active evenings i think |
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