Monument ShadowMUD


[08-19 08:45][RP]Yahwen: I could restore even for a zaalite like yourself
[08-19 08:45][RP]Nightshade: as could I
[08-19 08:45][RP]Nightshade: Zaal gives me a lot of leeway, I can even heal from afar now
[08-19 08:45][RP]Koret just noticed that :)
[08-19 08:46][RP]Koret: And I have no idea how anyone could fear someone as little and sweet and innocent as Brynne.
[08-19 08:47][RP]Koret: That would be like fearing Cherry. It's so cute when she threatens to bury me in the tundra!
[08-19 08:47][RP]Nightshade giggles
[08-19 08:47][RP]Cherry eyes her shovel...
[08-19 08:48][RP]Nightshade: She hits me and its like a fly trying to punch a mammoth
[08-19 08:48][RP]Cherry licks Nightshade
[08-19 08:48][RP]Nightshade acks
[08-19 08:48][RP]Yahwen: is that why she brought me along. i am watching her take no injury. Should I be worried?
[08-19 08:48][RP]Cherry: okay, watch this
[08-19 08:49][RP]Koret: No killing yourself on purpose just to prove a point!
[08-19 08:49][RP]Nightshade: I cannot back said sentiment, given my alignment
[08-19 08:49][RP]Koret: I don't believe that Nightshade is so cavalier about death, not really, not deep down.
[08-19 08:49][RP]Cherry: hehe i didn't just let my hand get a little hurt
[08-19 08:50][RP]Koret: Nightshade is more like a goth Ianthite.
[08-19 08:50][RP]Nightshade: I am completely ok with helping Cherry bury you in the tundra
[08-19 08:51][RP]Yahwen: I am sure you are
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08:19, Lockday, Kortki 12, 213 AD.

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