Monument ShadowMUD


[08-19 08:36][RP]Nightshade: You sneakily probably blamed the whole thing on me! The innocent Zaalite!
[08-19 08:38][RP]Yahwen: I blamed no one but myself
[08-19 08:39][RP]Yahwen: I mentioned no names and was upfront.
[08-19 08:39][RP]Nightshade: Koret, you must help this Ianthe type cleric to be more sneaky and conniving
[08-19 08:39][RP]Yahwen: Even regarding Cherry
[08-19 08:39][RP]Yahwen: Even regarding Cherry
[08-19 08:39][RP]Cherry: hm?
[08-19 08:40][RP]Yahwen: I am sure you would have heard Dara say something had i mentioned anyone
[08-19 08:41][RP]Nightshade was well in hiding
[08-19 08:41][RP]Yahwen does not hide from his lady! he is a man.
[08-19 08:41][RP]Nightshade hides as he likes his body parts attached
[08-19 08:42][RP]Yahwen: Perhaps you should find a lesser woman without such anger.
[08-19 08:42][RP]Koret laughs at you both.
[08-19 08:42][RP]Nightshade: why would I do that? I level several towns when I am even mildly irritated
[08-19 08:43][RP]Nightshade: and Miss Brynne was not angry with me at all
[08-19 08:43][RP]Yahwen: Then whh did you hide?
[08-19 08:43][RP]Nightshade: Safety in case she wase!
[08-19 08:43][RP]Yahwen: To live in fear with a lady.
[08-19 08:44][RP]Yahwen shakes his had
[08-19 08:44][RP]Nightshade: Have you seen what they can do? They have a nasty spell called shrink, and I do NOT want that used anywhere near the family jewels
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05:36, Shadowday, Kortki 6, 212 AD.

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