Monument ShadowMUD


[12-24 14:52][Monk]Weezer: could cause weap loss on that arm and lowers str and dex
[12-24 14:52][Monk]Morhe just squeeking out class ideas
[12-24 14:53][Monk]Weezer: i also have what i talked to you bout icey, the backlash
[12-24 14:54][Monk]Weezer: but tht's a high rank command
[12-24 14:54][Monk]Morhe throws Weezer would be good build up for wristclench
[12-24 14:55][Monk]Morhe still wants both pin/takedown build up where the Monk damages the pinned/or takedown opponent
[12-24 14:58][Monk]Icewolfz: overall nay ideas hsould be on boards or at least mudmails as anything in tells or lines wil lprobably be forgotten
[12-24 14:58][Monk]Icewolfz: or idea command
[12-24 14:58][Monk]Morhe yeah need damaging throws /& sweeps.
[12-24 14:59][Monk]Morhe did that for years..
[12-24 15:00][Monk]Morhe skill level 100 is still novice.. dangit
[12-24 15:00][Monk]Weezer just bugs Icey..i usually dont forget my command ideas
[12-24 15:01][Monk]Weezer has two for bard and one for monk
[12-24 15:01][Monk]Weezer: plus all that other gimp stuff i talked about
[12-24 15:04][Monk]Icewolfz: i do
[12-24 15:04][Monk]Morhe will have to write a monk bible what subclasses allows which clans in to their houses.
[12-24 15:04][Monk]Icewolfz: i know we talked abotu somethign way back but nothing on it so its lost now as no one posted it on boads or in idea command
[12-24 15:04][Monk]Icewolfz: somthing to do with hits
[12-24 15:05][Monk]Icewolfz: unless its on a board, idea, or some whe rin my nots it wil lbe lost
[12-24 15:05][Monk]Morhe deleted everything of mine
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