Monument ShadowMUD


[02-17 18:37][Newbie]Dhakahl: np
[03-10 23:33][Newbie]Icewolfz: need help or have questions feel free to ask
[03-10 23:33][Newbie]Luca: appreciate it!
[03-11 00:11][Newbie]Luca: how do i use my cap points
[03-11 00:11][Newbie]Icewolfz: there are training rooms in class halls
[03-11 00:12][Newbie]Icewolfz: fighters are spread out more the other classes but there should be signs that can be read for syntaxes and what stats can trained where
[03-11 00:13][Newbie]Icewolfz: you use raise [stat]
[03-11 00:13][Newbie]Icewolfz: to spend cap pts
[03-11 00:13][Newbie]Luca: ah alright, thank you
[03-11 00:13][Newbie]Icewolfz: thn you spend raw xp to raise your stats to your new cap
[03-11 00:13][Newbie]Icewolfz: easy way is jus twalk around the class hall and type cost
[03-11 00:14][Newbie]Icewolfz: if it works will display a syntax and what stats/skills can be handled in that room
[03-11 00:14][Newbie]Icewolfz: if not in the room it will say What? or some other error message
[03-11 00:14][Newbie]Luca: heh just trying to find the room because i only raise an eyebrow right now when i try to raise strength lol
[03-11 00:14][Newbie]Icewolfz: yeah raise falls back to the built in emote feeling
[03-11 00:14][Newbie]Icewolfz: help feelings
[03-11 00:14][Newbie]Icewolfz: we have a list of premade emotes
[03-11 00:15][Newbie]Icewolfz: in general the stat system is a 2 tier system to attempt to allow flexible
[03-11 00:15][Newbie]Icewolfz: you get a total of 800 cap pts by legend to spread around
[03-11 00:16][Newbie]Icewolfz: stats command list the cost of pts per stat
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09:48, Lockday, Kortki 12, 212 AD.

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