Monument ShadowMUD


[02-16 18:06][Newbie]Ctrain: ohh
[02-16 18:06][Newbie]Icewolfz: help abilit
[02-16 18:06][Newbie]Icewolfz: the command tier
[02-16 18:07][Newbie]Ctrain: so those 2 are maxed
[02-16 18:07][Newbie]Icewolfz: all fighter commands use attack skill even if not listed in help
[02-16 18:07][Newbie]Icewolfz: if a command tier is listed that skill + attack are used, its not 100% perfect as some abilities may have other skills but in general its close
[02-16 18:07][Newbie]Icewolfz: so just do help abilitiy and cgeck the tier
[02-16 18:08][Newbie]Icewolfz: we also have a skill assement sstem
[02-16 18:08][Newbie]Icewolfz: basically converts raw skill #s into words to prevent a # game
[02-16 18:08][Newbie]Icewolfz: many commands use the word version ot prevent pure math
[02-16 18:08][Newbie]Icewolfz: help assessment
[02-16 18:08][Newbie]Icewolfz: not relaly needed as a newbie
[02-16 18:08][Newbie]Ctrain: gotcha
[02-16 18:08][Newbie]Icewolfz: good to know when a wepaon/armor cna be used fully
[02-16 18:09][Newbie]Icewolfz: as weapons/armors are based on skills and until you have enough skill you only use a % of full potental
[02-16 18:09][Newbie]Icewolfz: granted some items have magical restrictions
[02-16 18:24][Newbie]Ctrain: hmm alright
[02-16 18:44][Newbie]Ctrain: lol well i went to ofar i found monsters xD
[02-16 18:44][Newbie]Icewolfz: your in the north plains with wolves, kobalds and some other stuff
[02-16 18:45][Newbie]Icewolfz: farther north you hit valley of mist and the dark forest
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16:36, Shadowday, Kortki 11, 210 AD.

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