Monument ShadowMUD


[08-19 09:24][RP]Koret could afford about three small hills so far.
[08-19 10:12][RP]Nightshade brushes off the ash, armor smoking, and exits the dragon cave
[08-19 10:16][RP]Koret now needs the golden phoenix bracers and helmet to complete the set.
[08-19 10:17][RP]Nightshade: find the bow?
[08-19 10:17][RP]Koret: Does Kragg ever hoard anything else of interest? Nighty mentioned the bow, and I have a cloak as well.
[08-19 10:17][RP]Koret: no bow yet
[08-19 10:17][RP]Nightshade: Simple rings
[08-19 10:17][RP]Koret: ahh, that's where those come from?
[08-19 10:17][RP]Nightshade: I have only ever gotten 1, and I got it from Solas and Raye, but supposedly Kragg has them to
[08-19 10:18][RP]Koret nods. I thought I got mine from the sun dragons.
[08-19 10:18][RP]Nightshade: I dislike camping Kragg, as he rarely has any drops
[08-19 10:18][RP]Koret found a crap ton of gems, mostly low quality, and very little gear.
[08-19 10:18][RP]Koret nods to Nighty.
[08-19 10:19][RP]Koret: Anyone want any mithril, ada, or laen gear? Cleaning out my locker a bit.
[08-19 10:31][RP]Koret would like to put out an offer to buy black bags, if anyone has extras they'd care to be rid of.
[08-19 10:32][RP]Nightshade: Dragons were cheap this morning, only a hilt and a mithril ring
[08-19 10:32][RP]Nightshade: I might get unlazy, track down the remaining map piece I haven't found and camp Noc eventually
[08-19 10:32][RP]Koret needs a better system for storing stuff in his lockers, and black bags would make for a nice solution. Or red bags, but I figure they're harder to get.
[08-19 10:32][RP]Nightshade: Harder? How do you get harder?
[08-19 10:33][RP]Koret: Not harder to get, just more sought after, and harder for me to acquire, since they're better.
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13:05, Darkday, Kortki 9, 212 AD.

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