Monument ShadowMUD


[11-22 12:17][Rogue]Icewolfz: -}-> to try and make it scale somewhat for damge <-{-
[11-22 12:20][Rogue]Icewolfz: -}-> with or with out tune? <-{-
[11-22 12:20][Rogue]Intoll: With
[11-22 12:21][Rogue]Intoll: I've tried with and without, doesn't make much of a difference
[11-22 12:21][Rogue]Icewolfz: -}-> turn tune on real qui kforme <-{-
[11-22 12:21][Rogue]Icewolfz: -}-> iwl lget the bonus % and see what yours is <-{-
[11-22 12:24][Rogue]Icewolfz: -}-> i turned on debug try it now <-{-
[11-22 12:24][Rogue]Intoll: Now I'm not making this up, but before, significantly before at lower levels... I was one songing groups of 3-4
[11-22 12:24][Rogue]Intoll: Now it's 2
[11-22 12:24][Rogue]Intoll: And with higher numbers it does more.. watch I'll probably one shot this group of 5
[11-22 12:25][Rogue]Intoll: 2
[11-22 12:26][Rogue]Intoll: Eh, be back
[11-22 12:26][Rogue]Intoll: I do less than level 36. Large groups it performs well
[11-22 12:26][Rogue]Intoll: groups of 3 it doesnt do much any more
[11-22 12:26][Rogue]Intoll: I know the 'shoulds' it should be more on 3
[11-22 12:27][Rogue]Intoll: And taper off on large groups, but it's the opposite
[11-22 12:27][Rogue]Icewolfz: -}-> on larger groups it does the same damge <-{-
[11-22 12:27][Rogue]Icewolfz: -}-> still same formla <-{-
[11-22 12:27][Rogue]Intoll: Well more die
[11-22 12:27][Rogue]Icewolfz: -}-> first gets ful amt, next gets amt - 5% <-{-
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07:26, Shadowday, Altki 6, 208 AD.

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