Monument ShadowMUD


[01-05 00:05][RP]Gir is the [puppet] dang it
[01-05 00:05][RP]Rmp: i wil end \you
[01-05 00:06][RP]Gir's [piggy Puppeteer] D O E T!!
[01-05 00:06][RP]Gir's [piggy Puppeteer] End Him!!
[01-05 00:06][RP]Gir is the [puppet] ah no..
[01-05 00:07][RP]Rmp: exctly
[01-06 07:11][RP]Gir's [piggy Puppeteer] lazy!!
[01-06 12:46][RP]Gir's [piggy Puppeteer] tries to unsummom gir
[01-06 14:28][RP]Gir's [piggy Puppeteer] peeks out from the green pouch. and starts casting Fireball at everyone!!
[01-06 14:29][RP]Gir is the [puppet] what are you doing?!?!
[01-07 19:10][RP]Asp: the myth the legendary Idiot is here!!
[01-13 23:48][RP]Gir's [piggy Puppeteer] despawns his 'Familiar'
[01-16 15:30][RP]Gir's [piggy Puppeteer] I thank you
[01-16 15:31][RP]Shirain: That'll do, pig. That'll do.
[01-16 15:31][RP]Gir's [piggy Puppeteer] squeals
[01-21 22:51][RP]Gir's [piggy Puppeteer] silly
[01-25 10:49][RP]Gir is the [puppet] sings I'm Bucky... Iiiiiii'm Buuuuucky
[01-25 10:50][RP]Gir's [piggy Puppeteer] your stupid.. shut up
[01-25 10:50][RP]Recluse your resident cleric is here for your therepy session.
[01-25 10:51][RP]Gir is the [puppet] oh joy!!
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17:36, Flameday, Ketralki 3, 213 AD.

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